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Finding Substrings and Their Indices with find(), index(), and rfind() in Python




When working with strings in Python, it is often necessary to locate substrings within a larger string and determine their positions or indices. Python provides several methods to accomplish this, including find(), index(), and rfind(). In this article, we will explore these string methods, understand their differences, and demonstrate their usage with an example program.

The find() Method

The find() method is used to locate the first occurrence of a substring within a string. It returns the index of the substring if found, and -1 if the substring is not present. The syntax for using find() is as follows:

index = string.find(substring, start, end)
  • substring: The substring to be searched.

  • start (optional): The index to start the search from (default is 0).

  • end (optional): The index to end the search at (default is the length of the string).

The index() Method

The index() method is similar to find(), but it raises a ValueError if the substring is not found instead of returning -1. The syntax for using index() is the same as find():

index = string.index(substring, start, end)

The rfind() Method

The rfind() method is used to locate the last occurrence of a substring within a string. It returns the index of the last occurrence if found, and -1 if the substring is not present. The syntax for using rfind() is the same as find():

index = string.rfind(substring, start, end)

Example Program: Finding Substrings and Their Indices

Now, let's dive into an example program to see these methods in action. Suppose we have a string text and we want to find the indices of all occurrences of a particular substring search_substring within it.

def find_substring_indices(text, search_substring):
    indices = []
    start = 0
    while True:
        index = text.find(search_substring, start)
        if index == -1:
        start = index + 1
    return indices

# Example usage
text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
search_substring = "the"
result = find_substring_indices(text, search_substring)
print(f"Indices of '{search_substring}' in '{text}': {result}")

In this program, we define the find_substring_indices() function that takes two arguments: text (the string to search in) and search_substring (the substring to locate). We initialize an empty list called indices to store the indices of the occurrences of the substring.

Using a while loop, we repeatedly call find() starting from the start index, which is initially set to 0. If find() returns -1, indicating that the substring is not found, we break out of the loop. Otherwise, we append the index to the indices list, update the start index to continue searching from the next position, and repeat the process.

Finally, we print the result, which displays the indices of all occurrences of the substring in the given text.


In Python, the find(), index(), and rfind() methods provide convenient ways to locate substrings within a larger string and determine their indices. While find() and rfind() return -1



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